Monday, August 9, 2010

Using Mutt for Gmail on Mac OS X

First, you have to install Macports, then install mutt with all these compile options:
# sudo port -v install mutt-devel +ssl +smtp +date_conditional +deepif +gdbm +gpgme +headercache +idn +sidebar +trash +sasl
Then, on your .muttrc file, add these config:

--- begin of configuration ---

#account settings
set realname = "REAL_NAME"
set imap_user = "YOUR_GMAIL_ADDRESS"
set imap_pass = "PASSWORD"
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
set smtp_pass = "GMAIL_PASSWORD"
set folder = "imaps://"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set postponed = "+[Gmail]/Drafts"
set trash = "imaps://[Gmail]/Trash"
set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
set header_cache =~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir =~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file =~/.mutt/certificates
set move = no  #Stop asking to "move read messages to mbox"!
set imap_keepalive = 900
# Header related stuff
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc
ignore *
unignore from: date subject to cc
unignore x-mailing-list: posted-to:
unignore x-mailer:
# Sorting, Markers etc.
set markers=no # don't put '+' at the beginning of wrapped lines
set pager_index_lines= 10 # how large is the index window?
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'last-date-received'
# Set which Editor to use for composing Emails.
set editor= '/usr/bin/emacs'
# set up the sidebar
set sidebar_width=24
set sidebar_visible=yes
set sidebar_delim='|'
set sidebar_sort=no
# which mailboxes to list in the sidebar,
# you can add your Labels in Gmail to the Sidebar.
mailboxes =All\ Mail =INBOX =Drafts =Sent\ Mail  =Trash
# color of folders with new mail
color sidebar_new yellow default
#Sidebar Navigation
bind index \CP sidebar-prev
bind index \CN sidebar-next
bind index \CO sidebar-open
bind pager \CP sidebar-prev
bind pager \CN sidebar-next
bind pager \CO sidebar-open
# b toggles sidebar visibility
macro index b 'toggle sidebar_visible'
macro pager b 'toggle sidebar_visible'
# Remap bounce-message function to "B"
bind index B bounce-message
#make mutt colorful!
color attachment brightmagenta default
color error      brightred    default
color hdrdefault red          default
color indicator  brightyellow red
color markers    brightcyan   default
color message    brightcyan   default
color normal     default      default
color quoted     brightblue   default
color search     default      green
color signature  red          default
color status     yellow       blue
color tilde      magenta      default
color tree       magenta      default
--- end of configuration ---

On these line, you can customize it to use other file editor such as vi or vim. Since I'm not familiar with emacs, I'm using vi :)

# Set which Editor to use for composing Emails.
set editor= '/usr/bin/emacs'

And in these line, you can add/ remove any IMAP folders you already set on Gmail, prefix it with '=' :

# which mailboxes to list in the sidebar,
# you can add your Labels in Gmail to the Sidebar.
mailboxes =All\ Mail =INBOX =Drafts =Sent\ Mail  =Trash

You will be prompted to accept 2 certificates when first firing up mutt, just accept it. Here's a screenshoot of my mutt interface:

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