Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reveal Hidden Apps In Add/Remove Windows Components

This works with Windows XP Professional or Home edition, any service packs. In Add/Remove Programs, on the sidebar you'll find Add/Remove Windows Components button. There, you can add/remove applications that belongs to Windows installation. The problem is, some of them are hidden, so you cannot remove them. By editing a file, you can reveal those apps. Here's how to do it:

1. Start -> Run, type: c:\windows\inf\sysoc.inf

2. On the new popup Notepad window, do ctrl-F and type 'hide' (without quote), then press Enter.
Press Esc button to close Find window and you'll find the first highlighted 'hide' word. Press Del button to eliminate it. Instead of repeating using Find window, you can press F3 button, it will find next 'hide' word. Press Del button - F3 button - Del button and so on.

3. Press Alt-F-X to close the Notepad window, you'll be prompted to save it, answer with 'Yes'

And you're done. Open Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components to choose the programs you need.

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