# ./ttytterAnd, if in any case, you missed it, then you just need to go to FloodGap website, scroll down a little bit, then under the "Download and change-log" section: right click and save file as 'ttytter' (without extension).
Open terminal, go to the directory where you keep the 'ttytter' file and I'm going to improve that a little bit by moving ttytter file to /usr/local/bin:
# sudo mv ttytter /usr/local/bin
Installing notification system
In order to be able to receive a popup notification, you must installing several package from Ubuntu repositories:
1. Installing git-core and libgtk2-perl-notify package
$ sudo apt-get install git-core libgtk2-notify-perl2. Make sure you in your home directory by typing:
$ cd3. Then do these steps:
$ git clone http://github.com/colindean/ttytter-libnotifyperl.git4. Download this patch
$ sudo apt-get source libnotify-bin
$ sudo apt-get install gtk-doc-tools
$ sudo apt-get build-dep libnotify
5. And do these steps:
$ cd libnotify-0.4.5/ (or whatever version/ directory name you have there, according to version downloaded)After all done, you need to go here to create your own .ttytterrc file and put it in your home directory. That's it. Credit goes to stormsdragon. Enjoy! :)
$ patch -p0 < ../notify-send-support_body_from_file.patch
$ ./autogen.sh
$ make
$ sudo make install