Friday, September 30, 2011

TTYtter Notification using LibNotify in Ubuntu Linux

Probably you already read my another blogpost about ttytter. This one is additional information on how to enabling popup notifications (like Growl in Mac OS) . According to my previous blogpost, you can run ttytter by executing this command:
# ./ttytter
And, if in any case, you missed it, then you just need to go to FloodGap website, scroll down a little bit, then under the "Download and change-log" section: right click and save file as 'ttytter' (without extension).

Open terminal, go to the directory where you keep the 'ttytter' file and I'm going to improve that a little bit by moving ttytter file to /usr/local/bin:
# sudo mv ttytter /usr/local/bin

Installing notification system
In order to be able to receive a popup notification, you must installing several package from Ubuntu repositories:
1. Installing git-core and libgtk2-perl-notify package
$ sudo apt-get install git-core libgtk2-notify-perl
2. Make sure you in your home directory by typing:
$ cd
3. Then do these steps:
$ git clone
$ sudo apt-get source libnotify-bin
$ sudo apt-get install gtk-doc-tools
$ sudo apt-get build-dep libnotify
4. Download this patch
5. And do these steps:
$ cd libnotify-0.4.5/ (or whatever version/ directory name you have there, according to version downloaded)
$ patch -p0 < ../notify-send-support_body_from_file.patch
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install
After all done, you need to go here to create your own .ttytterrc file and put it in your home directory. That's it. Credit goes to stormsdragon. Enjoy! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Meta-Doctor My Pre 2 to Change Boot Logo

I don't really like the HP logo on my Pre 2, so I decided to change it back to original Palm logo (anyway, the touchstone backcover still have "palm" in it, so it will suite well :D ).

Here's what I did:
1. Download the Meta-Doctor file for Pre 2 from here
2. Choose version 2.1.0 (according to my recent webOS version on my device
3. Copying the file on downloads folder under meta-doctor directory
4. From meta-doctor directory, I did this command:
I think it's obvious: Pre2 as my device, carrier is world ready (wr), version 2.1.0, disabling uploading any log to HP/Palm server, I already put my "palm" image for BootLogo and CUSTOM_BOOTLOGO parameter retrieve it, and last but not least, I'm making 4GB dedicated EXT3FS partition.

That's it, for placing Luna boot logo parts.. I'll write another blogpost :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Upgrade/ Migrating From #webOS 1.x to 2.x

I just quote this post from here, you can also take a look my previous blogpost about backup/ restore #webOS device:

"In webOS 2.0, the App Launcher was totally rewritten.  As a result, the locations of your application icons may not be reloaded correctly upon upgrading your profile to webOS 2.0.  While the Save/Restore Launcher script is compatible with webOS 2.0, it will not be able to restore the launcher data if it was originally saved from webOS 1.x.  While you will manually have to rearrange your launcher icons, this process may be made easier if you made screenshots of your App Launcher or you still have your original webOS 1.x device in Airplane mode. Also, when rearranging large numbers of icons, it may also be helpful to use the new Rearrange Launcher Pages functionality in webOS 2.0 to prevent the need to move across multiple launcher pages"

Note that once you update to webOS 2.0 or higher, your profile will no longer be able to be loaded onto a webOS 1.x device.

Activating Global App Catalog Access For New Unlocked GSM Pre 2

Once again @webosinternals has something incredibly amazing. With the tools called Impostah, installed from Preware, it is possible to activating brand new unlocked GSM Pre 2 (actually this is also works for other #webOS device like Veer and Pre 3) to have Global App Catalog Access. This such an extraordinary, especially for someone like me who live outside HP/Palm official country partner. I already tried this myself, with my brand new Pre 2 UK version activated to have access to US App Catalog.

This is the warning from Rod Whitby from @webosinternals:
"You have to note that this procedure is performed at your own risk. The worst that can happen is that you don't get paid app catalog access. If Palm changes anything on the app catalog servers, this procedure may be invalidated without warning. They have done so before, and could do so again"

Here's what you have to do:
1. Take the device out of the box, turn it on WITHOUT inserting any SIM card
2. When the screen show a notification to insert a SIM card, just ignore it
3. Type #*, wait a second, and then when phone dial pad appear you can continue to type the rest of #*3386633# and hit the green phone key
4. The "Developer Mode" app will open, turn it ON, then your device will reboot
5. Once booted, you presented with launcher screen.
6. Connect your device to PC and installing Preware (you can download newest stable version here)
7. Open up Preware, update feeds, then install Impostah
8. Open Impostah, tap on "Activation" menu
9. Select your desired activation country and language
10. Create a new profile (different from your real one, if you already have one before), then hit "Login To Profile" and confirm your request
11. Go to and confirm that your device has been correctly registered
12. Open the App Catalog and confirm that you have paid app catalog access. You can test this by purchasing teh Preware Homebrew Documentation app. A 5 star rating is also a good way to show your thanks.
13. To make sure everything has been initialized correctly, you should do full erase (You can also run the webOS Doctor, if you'd like) and go through the normal official sign-in process. Don't forget to insert a SIM card :)
14. Since your device has been pre-activated with Impostah, you will retain your app catalog country settings.
15. Donate to WebOS Internals

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Backup and Restore Your webOS Device

The simple way is using Backup app, already provide by HP/ Palm within your webOS device. Whether you're on webOS version 1.x, 2.x or 3.x. You can find complete information about using Backup here. If you don't care about any progress you may have made in your games, or information you added to 3rd party apps, just using this two methods would be enough (Please note that Messaging and Email contents are not saved):
1. Backup app
2. copying the files on your USB drive

But since homebrew developer are so keen to provide us with many superb apps, you should use Preware and then installing Save/Restore apps from there. Using Save/Restore apps, combining with Backup app and copying files from your USB drive, you should be able to get 99% of your data back when restoring.

Here's how to do it:
1. Open Backup app and perform a "Back Up Now" (make sure you know your Palm Profile email address)

2. Open Preware, update the feeds, swipe down Preware dropdown menu, select "Saved Package List" and click "Update". This will save a copy of all homebrew apps, patches and other packages you have installed from Preware

3. Open Save/Restore, select "Save Application Data" and click "Save Selected" (all apps are selected by defaults)

* If you're running webOS 2.0 or higher, you need to ensure that Voice Dial app is the last app on your first launcher page, this due to an oddity of webOS 2.0 that affect the Launcher script in Save/Restore

4. Connect your phone to a computer and connect as a USB drive. Make a backup of your entire USB drive, including "saverestore" directory

* Folders that should not back up are .app-storage, .palm, and .developer
5. Eject

1. Take a screenshot of all your App Launcher pages (using Orange key + Sym key + P)
2. If you're running webOS 1.4.5 or earlier, backup /var/luna/data/dbdata/PalmDatabase.db3 file. This file contains a large amount of your Palm Profile data, including contacts, calendar entries, memos and more for you to reference, providing you use a database program such as SQLite to access it.
3. If you have made any additional "tweaks" to your device, such as replacing the boot-up image or the lock icon, you will want to make sure you have a backup for those files as well

1. After you swipe/ doctor/ full erase your webOS device, you can start restoring your backup data by sign back into your Palm Profile (after reset, all of your App Catalog Apps will start to reinstall and your accounts will resync all their data)
2. Reinstall Preware, then Save/Restore
3. Connect the phone to the computer, then copy back all your backup data including "saverestore" directory
4. Eject
5. Open Save/Restore, select "Restore Application data", select only Preware and click “Restore Selected”

6. Restart device
7. Open Preware, update the feeds, swipe down Preware dropdown menu, select "Saved Package List" and click "Install All"

8. If you have any apps or patches that were installed outside of the feeds (including any from Palm's Beta or Web feeds), you should manually re-install them using Preware, webOS Quick Install, Internalz Pro or any other method you are familiar with
9. For each app that you plan on restoring data to with Save/Restore, open and close each app one time in order to initialize the cookies and databases for that app
10. Open Save/Restore, choose "Restore Application data", click "Select All" but uncheck Preware  (as well as any other apps you do not want to restore), and then click "Restore Selected"
11. Restart device
12. If you took screenshots of your Launcher pages you may want to compare the apps that were downloaded on your new device to ensure that none of your favorite apps are missing

Credit goes to folks at Precentral, and you can find the full post here