Friday, August 26, 2011

Installing Installous Using Cydia

Here's how to get Installous from Cydia:
1. Your iOS device must already been jailbreak, you can see here for my blogpost about jailbreak-ing iOS device
2. Open up Cydia
3. If you open it up for the first time, choose "Developer" mode
4. Once it loaded, click "Manage" then choose "Source"
5. Click 'Edit' then 'Add'
6. Type in: "" (withou quotation marks), and click on "Add Source" button
7. There would be popup shown, wait for the process to finish, then click "Back to Cydia" button
8. Click "Search" then type "Installous"
9. When the search listing its results, choose Installous 4 then install
10.  Now you have Installous installed on your iOS device :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Adding Testing Feed to Preware

Please be aware that you have to do this at your own risk. Adding Testing Feed mean that you aware and ready to download beta updates, if available, of any applications in Preware. You must see here for complete explanations.

In this blogpost, I only write down for my Palm Pre. Here's how to do it:
1. Open up Preware, let it finish loading applications
2. Swipe down top left corner of the screen, then choose "Manage Feeds"
3. Scroll to the bottom until you see New Feed Box
4. Fill in the box, make sure the URL doesn't have a slash at the end:
a. Name: webos-testing-all
b. Name: webos-testing-arm7
5. Make sure the IS COMPRESSED option is set to YES
6. Tap "Add Feed" and tap "YES" for popup alert
7. Gesture swipe back, and Preware will request you to reboot the device.

Friday, August 19, 2011

#webOS: How to remove EXT3FS partition

I assume you already tried to run UbuntuChroot on your #webOS device, and now you'd like to get back any space taken by EXT3FS. Here's simple thing you can do:
1. Connect your webOS device to your PC
2. Open up Terminal (Mac/ Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows), then type "novaterm"
3. And after you presented by your webOS device's root shell, run this command:
a. Unmount EXT3FS partition:
# umount /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs
b. Remove EXT3FS partition:
# lvremove /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs

4. Then run meta-doctor to re-assign all space to user's diskspace

Or, if you already do Meta-Doctor first, like I did :p , you can follow these steps:
1. Connect your webOS device to your PC
2. Open up Terminal (Mac/ Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows), then type "novaterm"
3. And after you presented by your webOS device's root shell, run this command:
a. Display LV size of EXT3FS partition, don't forget to write that down:
# lvdisplay /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs
b. Remove EXT3FS partition:
# lvremove /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs
c. Display existing user diskspace partition:
# df -kh

d. Unmount existing user diskspace partition:
# umount /dev/mapper/store-media
e. Resize existing user diskspace by adding size of previous EXT3FS partition:
I'm using /etc/fstab to see the filesystem of user's diskspace and /proc/partitions to see total allocation for user's diskspace:

# resizefat /dev/mapper/store-media 6995968K

And here's what you've got on user's diskspace after everything is done:

Enjoy! :)