Friday, August 19, 2011

#webOS: How to remove EXT3FS partition

I assume you already tried to run UbuntuChroot on your #webOS device, and now you'd like to get back any space taken by EXT3FS. Here's simple thing you can do:
1. Connect your webOS device to your PC
2. Open up Terminal (Mac/ Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows), then type "novaterm"
3. And after you presented by your webOS device's root shell, run this command:
a. Unmount EXT3FS partition:
# umount /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs
b. Remove EXT3FS partition:
# lvremove /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs

4. Then run meta-doctor to re-assign all space to user's diskspace

Or, if you already do Meta-Doctor first, like I did :p , you can follow these steps:
1. Connect your webOS device to your PC
2. Open up Terminal (Mac/ Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows), then type "novaterm"
3. And after you presented by your webOS device's root shell, run this command:
a. Display LV size of EXT3FS partition, don't forget to write that down:
# lvdisplay /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs
b. Remove EXT3FS partition:
# lvremove /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs
c. Display existing user diskspace partition:
# df -kh

d. Unmount existing user diskspace partition:
# umount /dev/mapper/store-media
e. Resize existing user diskspace by adding size of previous EXT3FS partition:
I'm using /etc/fstab to see the filesystem of user's diskspace and /proc/partitions to see total allocation for user's diskspace:

# resizefat /dev/mapper/store-media 6995968K

And here's what you've got on user's diskspace after everything is done:

Enjoy! :)


Hi, for all of those who already put comments on my blog post, thanks.. really appreciate it. And for those who have not, just put your comments here :)