Saturday, January 24, 2009

Basic Cisco Router settings for LC connection

Here is how-to configure (most) Cisco Routers for Leased-Line connection:
> enable
# configure terminal
# interface Serial 0/0
# description [write description for current interface] => usually "Connected to ISP"
# ip address [IP] [subnet mask]
# no shutdown => enable current interface

# interface FastEthernet 0/0
# description [write description for current interface] => usually "Connected to LAN"
# ip address [IP] [subnet mask]
# no shutdown => enable current interface
# exit

# ip name-server [DNS1] [DNS2] .. [DNS 5] => up to 5 DNS
# ip route [destination network] [subnet mask] [host]
# exit

after that, you can check your configuration by typing this command:
# show running-config

don't forget to save it:
# write

and it's done! :-)


  1. You don't need to reload after write mem. Cisco rooters apply the config as you enter it.

  2. thank you for you comment. I agree! :) no need to reload cisco router to completely save the configuration. I'll erase the "reload" part :D


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