Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Distribution Cross-Compiling


1. Instal paket distcc

 # USE="gtk" emerge distcc

2. Edit file make.conf

 # nano -w /etc/make.conf
MAKEOPTS="-jn" -> n = (2 x CPU) + 1

3. Setting host tempat proses akan dialihkan

 # /usr/bin/distcc-config --set-hosts "localhost host1 host2 ..."

4. Konfigurasi file distccd

 # nano /etc/conf.d/distccd
--allow [host1] [host2] -> IP PC yang diberi hak akses
--listen localhost -> PC yang bersangkutan
--log-file ...

5. Memasukkan link direktori distcc ke dalam default akses

 # export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin: /usr/libdistcc/bin:${PATH}"

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